
Was great to meet Jim McGee at the Social Media Strategies conference last week.  One great thing that came out of Jim’s presentation was a discussion of the Virgina Satir Change Model for organizational change.  The theory in a nutshell:

  • Things are plodding along within an organization or community
  • There is a "foreign object" (e.g. a new thought, or participant, or strategy) introduced into the organization
  • Things get chaotic while the community figures out how to deal with the new
  • There is a transformational thought, a "transforming idea," and a point at which the group "gets it" and starts to gel in the new world
  • Chaos declines, and performance then trends to a new, improved level

A couple of different visual representations:

From Satir Workshops


From Jim’s presentation


Check out the whole thing here on Jim’s blog.