Meetup: Rethinking Learning in Berkeley (Tuesday)

There is a great event happening tomorrow evening (this Tuesday) in Berkeley; a session with the Learning Irregulars on the future of learning in organizations. Discussion will revolve around the marvels that networks have wrought and how organizations can improve the way they approach learning. 

More details here

Please note!  This is an event that is open to everyone, even if you are not a learning professional. Diverse viewpoints are the source of innovation.  Invite your neighbor who's a labor leader, CFO, anthropologist, psychologist, professor, historian, executive, butcher, baker, or candlestick maker, so long as he or she is out to make the world a better place. Major innovations result from mashing up concepts from diverse silos, and accelerating innovation is the goal. 

People make a meeting like this work.

Learning Irregulars!
Berkeley 7-10 pm
Tuesday, March 24th. 
Please RSVP