Registration Open for “Sales 2.0” Webcast (March 31, 2009)

Click here for registration info

Click here to register.

Our friends over at The Customer Collective have invited Mark Woolen from Oracle and Anneke Seley from Phone Works as well as myself to share some thoughts (and perhaps spar a little) on the topic of "How do you take the proven fundamentals of good selling and apply
them to social networking? What Web 2.0 tools should you as a sales
professional be utilizing to find new prospects and keep the customers
you have loyal?

I'll be the guy taking the customer's perspective.  :-)  Here are the bios:

Mark Woollen, with more than 20 years of sales, marketing and
development experience, is responsible for driving market requirements
and business strategy for Oracle CRM applications. He will share the
changes Web 2.0 and social media are bringing to enterprise software
and what that means for sales.

Christopher Carfi is co-founder of Cerado, Inc. and author of The
Social Customer Manifesto weblog. Chris is a recognized expert in
applying emerging social technologies such as blogs, wikis, and
podcasts to create strong customer communities and strengthen
relationships between vendors and their customers.

Anneke Seley has spent over 25 years creating high-performance, high
profit sales models for companies such as Microsoft, NetApp,
Interwoven, and Hyperion. Now with her new book "Sales 2.0: Improve
Business Results Using Innovative Sales Practices and Technology", she
is pioneering next-generation Web 2.0 sales practices.

Should be good fun.  Seeya there.

Click here to register.

2 Replies to “Registration Open for “Sales 2.0” Webcast (March 31, 2009)”

  1. Yes, the operant word is “fun” and also hopefully a tad instructive given the quality of the participants. Thanks for the “heads up” Chris.

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