SXSW iPhone Web App and Widget

Related Links:

SXSW iPhone Web App
SXSW Mobile Web App
SXSW Widget

Due to popular demand, we've updated and completely revamped the Unofficial SXSW Mobile Pocket Guide that we built with Cerado Ventana.  What's the same:

  • Still looks great on the iPhone and other mobile devices
  • Still works great as a widget you can drop on your blog or even your start page (iGoogle, NetVibes, etc.)

What's new this year:

  • Listings of panels
  • Listings of parties
  • Pulls in Twitter buzz
  • And (very cool), you can add parties or events to the guide yourself!


If you're going to, or simply want to follow the buzz at, SXSW09, check it out!