Facebook Places Overview

Here's quick overview on Facebook Places (Facebook's new location-based service) from David Armano.

Link here: David Armano Point of View on Facebook Places

Facebook Places

Key pull quote from David:

"From a user perspective, Facebook places is not bad, which is a bit of an accomplishment for a new launch. From a platform perspective this is not great news for the competition. However, there are some serious issues and the biggest is lack of integration with other platforms such as Twitter. There is also no reward system (badges) which some Foursquare users like and others care less about. The experience though shows promise and for Facebook it's yet another source of behavioral data which will prove to be valuable to advertisers and brands. In short, as a user it's off to a decent start. If your Facebook connections use it, it's likely you might as well. If users adopt the behavior as Facebook rushes to support other mobile platforms and global locations it could gradually make the act of checking-in as common as the status update. If this happens, organizations with physical locations will have to take a very close look at this and what it means for their business."

5 Replies to “Facebook Places Overview”

  1. There’s a lot of marketing potential there. But Facebook has to come up with secure privacy measures before another privacy issue blows up again…

  2. I must admit I was a bit skeptical of Facebook Places. After all, do we really need another FourSquare? But I quickly saw my friends/coworkers begin checking in from their offices. I never realized how many of my Facebook friends worked within a few blocks of me. The marketing potential is one thing, but Facebook Places gives us all another excuse to get together.

  3. I’m currently study Marketing at Western Michigan University with @Dr4ward in #mkt4760. We are now learning about Customer Relationship Management (CRM). I think Facebook Places is a tool that could come in handy with building CRM. It is a great monitoring process that can let marketers know when and how often customers visit certain locations, identifying loyal customers. If this platform takes off, it would definitely be beneficial to retailers.

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