Just in time for SXSW, I am really pleased to announce that Cerado has launched a handy "Unofficial Pocket Guide" that is based on the beta of Cerado Ventana. It’s a mobile-friendly SXSW widget that gives you quick access to:
– People
– Agenda
– Books that authors will be signing in the book lounge
It looks killer on the iPhone, and Koan reports that it works similarly sexily on the Nokia N95.
For the People tab, we’ve built a self-reporting directory (instead of scraping the registration database for everybody’s information). Adding yourself is like adding a blog comment: enter info, click submit, see it immediately. No email addresses; just your name, photo, and URL.
If you fancy yourself an Early Adopter, feel free to add yourself to the People listing. Go to the People tab, and simply click "+" — that’s it. (We recommend using your Twitter stream or Blog URL as your primary link, but you can also link to your Facebook or LinkedIn or other profile as well — how ever you want people who see you at SXSW to keep tabs on you.)
The homepage is here: http://sxsw.cerado.com/
And you can jump directly to the "Add Yourself" form as well.
Takes two minutes. Tops.
Here’s what it looks like (click the images to expand).

However, when building this, we also realized that the whole world isn’t mobile. (Yet.) So, it’s also available as a widget that you can put on your blog.
The blog widget looks like this:

(RSS readers, you can view or get the blog widget here.)
Major kudos to Sarah Dopp on her mad project management skillz in helping to make this happen.