Nancy White points us to "Conversation As A Radical Act."
Key Link: Conversation As A Radical Act (watch the video) and Nancy’s post on the session.
Key Quote: "Change comes not from grand plans or edicts, but from the repetition of millions of small acts carried out throughout the system, regardless of scale."

My take: "Conversation" is just that…communication between actual human beings. This process of real conversation happens millions of times, and is only successful when the interactions are real and genuine, transparent and truthful. Conversation is the "root act" that creates transformation.
The takeaway is very simple: If an issue or story is not worthy of conversation between actual individuals as they are going about their lives, it won’t ignite conversation. If the issue doesn’t ignite conversations, it won’t effect local change. If local change is not effected, then global change cannot be effected.
If you try to start a campfire with huge logs straight away, it is
impossible to do. The fire doesn’t catch. Even applying great
quantities of accelerants will only singe the surface; once the
accelerants are consumed, the logs you hoped to ignite sit cold and
impassive, singed on the outside, but fundamentally unchanged.
The most important thing: there are no shortcuts. One can bombard "the market" with "messages," one can try to shortcut the process…but IMHO those tactics don’t cause, can’t cause, long-term change. It’s analogous to creating a roaring campfire. How do you start a roaring campfire? You start with kindling, then add some more, and over time the energy can be awe-inspiring.