Video: Doc Searls Pulls Out A Gun

Doc Searls pulls out a (pricing) gun at the 2009 VRM West Coast Workshop on May 15, 2009.  Some great thoughts in here about the transformation of "content" industries, and hints at the tools that customers could wield to set their own price.

And just because it's fun to pull it out of context, I love this blurry screen grab, too.  🙂

Picture 10

photo: christopher carfi, creative commons 3.0 attribution

Social CRM / Social Selling (Webcast Archive)

Back in March, I had the opportunity to chat for an hour or so with Mark Woollen from Oracle and Anneke Seley from PhoneWorks around topics related to how customers and sales teams interact at a time when the customer is increasingly in charge of the dynamics of the relationship.  A bit of presentation bits at the beginning, and then the balance of the hour is Q&A with the participants on the webinar.  Here ’tis:

Social Selling Webcast

Link to the video here.

(Disclosure: The Customer Collective is a customer of Cerado)

YPulse Youth Marketing Mashup

Picture 8 Just got a nice note from old friend Anastasia Goodstein, who is the prime mover behind YPulse (which is a formidable marketing blog and is the place to understand what is current in media, technology and entertainment with tweens and teens).  YPulse is gearing up for their next "YPulse Mashup" event.  Here's the scoop:

"Hey Chris! I hope this email finds you well.
We have an amazing line up this year including Don Tapscott, Donna Fenn (Inc.)
and so many other cool speakers.

 I was
hoping you might share it with your readers. We created a special code SC
(Social Customer) just for your readers/Twitter followers to get 10 percent off
the price."

Indeed.  So, if you want to go and save a couple of bucks, use the code "SC" when you register.  The conference is June 1-2, 2009 in San Francisco.

CRM, Sales and Social Media: A Webinar

Recently, the fine folks over at EcSell Institute invited me to participate in a webinar entitled "CRM Doesn't Go Far Enough: Somehow We Left the Customer Out of Customer Relationship Management."  The webinar is about 50min in length, and is viewable in two parts.  We had a lot of GREAT questions and conversation … thank you for all who attended, and thanks again to Bill Eckstrom and Kristi Shoemaker at EcSell Institute for the invitation.

Here's the background:

"While we were using CRM systems for "sales effectiveness," our
customers weren't standing still and waiting for us. They were using
their newly found power to research our organizations, shop for
products, and create their own support channels. Not only that, they
were connecting with their peers and having conversations about us.

Join us in a conversation that looks at how sales managers can use the
customer side of CRM to drive revenue and customer loyalty. This
webinar will provide you education and development on how to
incorporate social networks and CRM 2.0 into your everyday sales

– Learn how to use social networks as a tool to improve internal communication and deepen customer relationships.

– Understand how business blogging, social media and enterprise social networking fits into the sales cycle.

EcSELL Institute is thrilled to have Christopher Carfi, co-founder of
Cerado, Inc., as our next Pillars of Sales Productivity speaker. Come
learn how companies such as Dell, Mini and Zappos are using CRM 2.0 and
social networking to increase sales effectiveness and success."

The video is in two parts; both are available on Vimeo.  Here are the links:

EcSell / Cerado Webinar: Part 1
EcSell / Cerado Webinar: Part 2

The videos are also embedded below.

Part 1:

Part 2:

I think the stuff that Bill and Kristi and the rest of the EcSell team are doing is really unique in a couple of ways.  First, they are creating a community of individuals who are in sales management (not front-line sales reps), and they strive to provide "an arsenal of fact based information, a regular schedule of educational programs, and a network of peers willing to help each other."  (Sounds a lot like a community, doesn't it?)  Second, all the information that EcSell provides has to tie back either to data that is fact-based and scientifically provable, or is the current "best practice" in industry.  It's a degree of rigor that's not often seen.  And it's refreshing.

This was the first chance I'd had to work with them, and really enjoyed it. 

Am now really looking forward to their upcoming Sales Management Summit, which is happening July 28-29 right out here in Half Moon Bay.  Seeya there!

Chaff and Flares for Marketing

The Hoosier Contrarian gave me the big thought of the day.  He writes:

"I just read parts of the US Army Manual, FM34-60 COUNTERINTELLIGENCE
( I have way too much time on my hands), and a thought occurred to me.
We all have, or should have, firewalls for our personal computers,
passwords for our banking and communication over the internet, etc. But
what about consumer tools that have been specifically designed to act
as “countermarketing” aids? And if they exist, what do they look like,
how are they configured, and managed? It may be a bit of a stretch to
visualize, but for me, it might mean that I can begin to manage how I
want various companies to incorporate my internet behavior into their
computerized marketing machinery. Imagine the possibilities. If enough
people used such a tool, it might even force companies to do the hard
work. Actually get to know me.
(emphasis added)

The link is here.

Now, I do a fair amount of this currently, primarily by trying to use plus addressing on my email address whenever possible in order to know who is selling my email address to whom.  (Plus addressing allows me to determine the source of the leak.)

What kinds of marketing countermeasures do you use?