YPulse Youth Marketing Mashup

Picture 8 Just got a nice note from old friend Anastasia Goodstein, who is the prime mover behind YPulse (which is a formidable marketing blog and is the place to understand what is current in media, technology and entertainment with tweens and teens).  YPulse is gearing up for their next "YPulse Mashup" event.  Here's the scoop:

"Hey Chris! I hope this email finds you well.
We have an amazing line up this year including Don Tapscott, Donna Fenn (Inc.)
and so many other cool speakers.

 I was
hoping you might share it with your readers. We created a special code SC
(Social Customer) just for your readers/Twitter followers to get 10 percent off
the price."

Indeed.  So, if you want to go and save a couple of bucks, use the code "SC" when you register.  The conference is June 1-2, 2009 in San Francisco.