The Business Blogging Field Guide

A small part of the two-day Social Media Workshop (encompassing business blogging, podcasting and business social networking) that we do from Cerado is The Business Blogging Field Guide.  This is the most-requested presentation I’ve been giving over the past year or so, and it’s gratifying that it’s held the test of time and still holds relevant as business blogging is moving squarely from the early adopters and into the mainstream. 

Bonus link:  Just got this great comment from Kevin Bright, who attended the CIO workshop last week.

thanks for the great presentation and the follow-up materials. You
really got my sparks flying. I’ve decide to go live with a "lab" to
experience blogging as a form of social media. I need to experience
before I can evangelize at work. If you have a moment, check out . It’s early but let me know what you think.

Thanks again."

Check out his blog and let him know what you think?

Heading To Pittsburgh

Off to Pittsburgh today to speak to the Greater Pittsburgh CIO Group on the topics of social networking for business, business blogging and social media.  Interestingly, was in Pittsburgh last week as well visiting a client.  (That trip was made particularly interesting by the tornado drill in the middle of a meeting that required us to high-tail it down to the basement until the all-clear was sounded about 15min later; that was the same storm that Doc writes so eloquently about here.)  I love visiting the City of Bridges.

So, off to another one of my old stomping grounds for a couple of days. (I went to grad school in the ‘Burgh in the ealy 90’s.)  Seeya there.

Clue Unit #23 – Communities and Food – August 10. 2007

(iTunes) (MP3) (click here to subscribe)

Today’s Topics:

  •     The role of food in customer relationships
  •     Food Service Storys: Portillos in Chicago

    •       The Varsity in Atlanta
    •       Dicks Drive-In in Seattle
    •       Texas De Brazil in Dallas
    •       Dick’s Last Resort
  •     Focus on Food for Events
  •     Satisfaction Scores Based on Food
  •     Food as Cross-Cultural Connector
  •     Multiple Channels of Online Communities
  •     Remembering Names as Customer Service
  •     Phoning it in Vs. Doing the Right Thing

Related Links:

in Chicago

Bauer Simply Recipes

Mike Arrington BBQs

Hugh Mcleod
Blogger Dinner
Social Networking and Dining Reviews
Gut Check
– Twitter as Food
Wears Prada

Edwards at Blogher Chicago


Democracy Forum

Clue Unit #22 – An Introduction to Vendor Relationship Management (VRM) – August 1. 2007

(iTunes) (MP3) (click here to subscribe)

Today’s Topics:

  •     What is VRM?
  •     Will businesses get it?
  •     What are the mechanics of the system?
  •     Microformats?
  •     The employee experience

Related Links:

– Vendor Relationship Management

Center at Harvard

Identity Workshops


Open ID
for Service Innovation

X-Drive Experiment

Enterprise Immune System

and VRM



Doggone Good Service

On the heels of this year’s Blogher conference, I am spending a week in the Chicago area catching up with customers and family alike.  (I grew up here, way back in the early Pleistocene.) 

Was driving to the airport yesterday, and on the way pulled into Portillo’s for a good ol’ Chicago style hot dog.  However, upon pulling into the lot, I realized that there was a line of about 10 cars in the drive-thru ahead of us.  Yet, undeterred, I pulled into line.  Yes, we might miss a flight, but there is research to do here!

The first thing I noticed pulling into the line was that they had turned off the automatic squawk-box ordering system, and instead had put three human beings into the line, all with headsets and walkie-talkies.  As we pulled up to the first gentleman, he asked us for our order.  Having not seen the menu yet, I didn’t know the answer, and said so.  He deftly handed me a paper menu, and said, "No problem, just tell the next person."

We pulled up to the next person, a woman, who was about three car lengths up in the queue.  She took our order, radioed it in, and handed us a claim check.  (Number 87, to be precise.)  We then pulled ahead to the third person, who was taking cash, wearing one of those old-style coin belts with which one can clink out coin change with ridiculous efficiency.  She told us our total, took our money, made the change, and sent us rolling up to the window, where our food was already waiting.

Total time in line:  MAYBE four minutes.  Tops.

As we were pulling up to the cashier, I asked her if they always used this seemingly "inefficient" 3-person lineup during rush times.  She said yes.

Even though it appears inefficient at first blush, the process was absolutely flawless and unbelievably fast.  I would wager they do a substantially greater amount of business in their drive-thru than, say, the nearby large fast-food chain, with the standard one- or two-person drive-thru configuration.

Portillo’s website says their motto is: "The best food and the best service!"  I can concur, they are two-for-two.  Pass the mustard.

Related: By, the way, never, never, never order ketchup on a Chicago style hot dog, lest they say "Behold, this creature that walks like a man. It wants ketchup on its hot dog!"

image: city of buena park

Liveblogging Blogher: Inclusion and Exclusion in Online Communities

The Politics of Inclusion and Exclusion in Online Communities
Inclusion and exclusion in online communities panelSession description: "Comments, link-love, blog-rolls, who’s in, who’s out? The Internet
has the potential to be the great equalizer, to breakdown artificial
barriers. Is that what we’re doing, or are we all sticking to our
respective corners of the online world? What signposts do those who
feel outside the online majority look for when deciding if an online
community will be welcoming to "people like me." Can you build
community that becomes more inclusive, rather than exclusive — and does
it have broader social implications if you do (or don’t)? Join Joy Palmer, Liza Barry-Kessler, Dory Devlin and Valencia Roner
as they take a look at this often-sensitive subject. We’ll cover
everything from anecdotal experiences to research data on how online
communties tend to behave and evolve."

Audience: Do niche communities / niche blogs make people  connect only with similar people who share the same niche?

Valencia: I don’t limit myself (on my blog).  I make sure the audience knows that I’m open to anything.

Switching gears…

Kelli: What about when someone writes something that’s very important, but is written to you privately?  Is there a way to bring that conversation out into the open?

Valencia: You need to take it on a case-by-case basis.  You can also talk about it, but make the person anonymous.

Heather B.: I’ve noticed that sometimes people will send you things privately that they don’t want to put in the comments, because they felt it might offend you.

Audience: You can also expand/rethink your blogroll, to add blogs that you think are interesting, but don’t necessarily mirror the things your blog usually covers.

Viv:  I have three blogs.  I have a mom blog, but I also have a gaming blog.  I found that Stumbleupon has been a good tool to show new things to my friends.

Gena: I am African America.  But when I’m writing about software, or FEMA, I’m writing about who I am right now.  I had to come to a place where, no matter what, this is the person who I am today and whatever you’re reading is filtered through my experience.  It took a while for me to feel safe enough to say "this is who I am."  I intersect on a lot of different communities.  If I’m welcomed in that community, I’m going to go back and forth.

Valencia:  I think we’re the sum total of our experiences.  The beauty of places like this, and the beauty of the blog is that we can interact. 

Holli: How did I deal with this?  By taking the power of other people away for people to attack me, and setting the rules.

Skye Kilaen: We have a comment policy in place, so our visitors don’t need to armor up before reading the comments.  If it’s not a safe space, you’re systematically cutting out a large number of people and participation who don’t feel it’s safe to be there.

Lilly:  I wonder if people who are mean are more likely to comment more?  How do we make it so that ‘nice’ people aren’t intimidated by others out there?

Audience:  When getting trolled, I suggested to the troll to start their own blog.  So she did.  (And at that point I knew I’d made it.)  We don’t think of the trolls as part of our community. 

Audience:  I put a post out where I asked readers what their favorite blogs are.  I got a ton of comments, and there was this "web of inclusion" that was created.

Liza:  You can put inclusive asides in posts.

Joy: The element of risk is one worth taking.  You might not feel that you have the "right" to speak about something, but one way to reach out is to just write.  Another way to reach out is via the blogroll.  There are designs and visual cues that you can put on the blog.

Is There a “Web 2.0” Gap, Akin To The Pay Gap?

Penelope Trunk makes an observation and asks a very enlightened question:

"Instead of worrying about the wage gap let’s worry about the Web 2.0
gap. The second round of the Internet revolution is being run largely
by men. In fact, as tech companies need less and less marketing,
the usual spots for women in tech companies are disappearing. And as
the barrier to entry gets lower and lower, and founders get younger and younger,
the hours people put in to start a company verge on 100 percent of
waking time, something that women seem to be just plain not interested
in doing.

I am not sure what should be done about the Web 2.0 gap. I have a
feeling that it ends up getting more and more male-centric — just like
video games. For example, most blogs are aimed at technical types.
(Something we might be able to overcome.) Yet the most prominent blog
ranking site, Technorati, ranks blogs based on how many people link to
them. So a blog catering to people who don’t blog themselves would be
ranked lower in the blogosphere. The subtle burying of women’s voices

I’m not sure if it’s a big deal or not. But I am definitely sure the
time gap and the Web 2.0 gap are having more impact on the business
opportunities women see than that statistically irrelevant pay gap is.
It’s just that the mainstream media is accustomed to writing about pay
gap, and not about who is playing poker with the founders of Digg and who is playing Xbox with the founders of Reddit."

Interesting perspective. (I’m still mulling this over and need to check some of the assertions above before buying in wholesale, but this sounds plausible at first blush.)  Your thoughts?