This Is Kind Of Like Customer Service Reality Television

John Winsor’s blog, Beyond the Brand, is becoming a hive of activity where customers and vendors are partying together. Three bits:

One: Your Approximte Wait In Customer Service Limbo Will Be 121 hours

John tracked his interactions with regarding a support/billing issue, and challenged Audible to get their act together. How? By putting up the “Audible Response Time Counter.”

“To keep track of how long it takes for Audible to respond to my email and share that response time with you I’ve started the “Audible Response Time Counter” located in the upper right-hand corner of my blog.”

(n.b. the issue finally was resolved, but it took a while)

Two: Best Customer Response Contest

He’s now running a contest. Here’s how it works (n.b. this is taking place over at BtB, not here…if you’re interested check it out at the source)

1. You select the brand you think gives the best customer service. I will post your name and the brand you selected in the right column.

2. Send an honest and creative comment/complaint email to them. Send me the comment. The comments will be judged by other readers on a scale of one to ten.

3. Post the brand’s responses and the response times here. Other readers can then rank each response, including response time and creativity on a scale of one to ten.

4. The person and brand combination with the best overall score in both categories wins…

Three: Getting Social

Let’s see what happens. I have just jumped into the fray, with an open letter to JetBlue (check the comments).