Why…Hello, Navel!

I love finding posts like this show up in my aggregator. Ten weeks into the year, and some folks are already out of original thoughts. (Names have been changed to protect the uninspired.)

The Best Posts of 2005 (so far… 10 weeks, 10 posts)

By (author’s name)

For the infrequent visitor, here’s a quick look at what’s been happening at (author’s name)’s blog since the beginning of the year. I picked them for variety, for the frequency of referrals and because they made me think.

Link: self-referential link #1
Link: self-referential link #2
Link: self-referential link #3
Link: self-referential link #4
Link: self-referential link #5
Link: self-referential link #6
Link: self-referential link #7
Link: self-referential link #8
Link: self-referential link #9
Link: self-referential link #10

And two bonuses for you!

My new blog: self-referential link to new new, self-referential blog
and last year’s list: self-referential link to last year’s list of self-references.”

The original post, by the numbers.

Number of times author used own name in post: 15
Number of links to own blog: 12
Number of connections outside own blog: 0
Ability to engage with readers (read “customers”): none…comments are disabled

Didn’t The Divinyls write a song about this?

(or, put another way, how can one learn if one doesn’t listen?)

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