A Good Example of Online Community Guidelines


Our local Half Moon Bay and Coastside community site, Coastsider.com, puts up its community guidelines.  I loved this one in particular:

6. Please use your real name. We don’t require this but we’d like to know who you are. If you sign your name Bill Clinton or Frank Zappa, we’ll in all likelihood delete it, unless we’re certain you’re the former president or the reincarnated Mother of Invention.

Related:  Backfence closes its doors, with commentary from Terry Heaton and Jeff Jarvis. And a spot-on review of a Backfence meeting from last year from Adina Levin.

image: Barry Parr

A Little Unexpected LUVin’

Remember the unexpected detour to Omaha a couple of weeks back?  Just got a well-handled followup letter in the postal mail from Southwest.

Update:  Whoa.  Looking again at the letter, I just noticed that the department that Melissa works in at SWA is the Proactive Customer Service Communications department.  That’s very cool.

(click the image to make it larger)

SWA Voucher

Bend vs. Break

  Bend, don’t break. 
  Originally uploaded by HKCB.

When does a customer service process stop serving the customer, and begin to become detrimental to the relationship?  David Cushman tells us:

"My payment for my credit card bill had, apparently arrived a day late. I pay the bill with online banking from an account with another bank. I had set up the instruction to give it the requisite four days to travel through the banking system (and will someone, somewhere please explain to me why that’s still necessary when all that’s being transferred is a notional value carried in digital form?).

A Bank Holiday screwed up the calculation. The punishment for my crime was to be charged a £12 ‘late fee’.

I called to object, pointing out I’ve been a model customer for them for many long years and had made every effort to pay on time on this occasion.

No joy. The poor employee – reading out the script – is clearly told they must stick to the line no matter what the logic of the argument they are met with, no matter what the quality of the customer.

It’s their customer policy not to refund late fees.

Let me tell you. it’s not a customer policy at all. I asked how much my late payment had actually cost. Couldn’t answer. I guessed in the region of a couple of quid. And for this, you are willing to end your relationship with a model customer? How much more is it going to cost you to recruit the next one? Staggering!"

Staggering, indeed.  Remember the levels of interaction that occur as a customer relationship progresses:

Transaction => Conversation => Relationship => Community

If a vendor chooses to only concentrate (and remain!) at the Transaction level, that vendor is guaranteed to eventually become a commodity, lose its competitive differentiation and eventually be supplanted.  A customer service strategy that rigidly holds internal process over serving the customer’s needs is destined to fail.

Clue Unit #20: A Conversation with Derek Powazek – June 25, 2007

(iTunes) (MP3) (click here to subscribe)

Episode 20, about 30 minutes.

Today’s Topic:  A Conversation with Derek Powazek

  •     The Story of JPG Magazine
  •     Gaming the System for Good
  •     Extremism and Sites Like Digg
  •     Wikipedia and Big Ideas
  •     Threadless as Community Business
  •     Assignment Zero and Pro/Am Journalism
  •     Community Hangover?

Related Links:

Derek Powazek
for Community

Publishing Before the Web – Newspaper
JPG Magazine – The Story

Access and Control Lead to Relationships
Gaming Can a Positive Impact – Embrace the Game
– 10 Photos per day
– Use Theme
– Encourage Friends to Vote (Digg, etc.)
Editors Make Final Call
Extremism and The Problem with Digg
Kuro5hin – Built Without an
Tom Coates on Wikipedia
Wikipedia Required a Big Idea
Threadless and Creative
vs. Financial Rewards
Threadless as Example for Doing Community Business
Lulu for Printing
Community Business Model
for Pro/Am Journalism Wiki

"Community" – Using the Web For What It’s Good At

Supernova 2007

Am in the UK this week, and therefore bummed I’m not going to be at the VRM (Vendor Relationship Management) Open Space workshop on Tuesday leading up to the launch of Supernova.

A couple of links of note:

Main Supernova site is here.


Sean O’Driscoll:

"I can drop you as a service provider.”

“Yes, you could do

This was maybe the most depressing part of the call.  She
really didn’t care.  And it was clearly not because she’s a bad
person but because she has given up on her own employer.  I actually
felt sorry for her.  I couldn’t yell at her.  I said goodbye.

A Conversation With Doug Engelbart

Doug Englebart

A few weeks back, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Doug Engelbart at his home, at the invitation of Mei Lin Fung.

We chatted for about an hour, covering everything from the changes he’s seen over his decades as a visionary and pioneer, to his current thoughts on Collective IQ.

We dove right in, and just before the tape started rolling he had just showed me a one-handed, chording keyboard that he’d invented in the 1960’s that he still uses today.  The first story is classic…using the same concepts as the chording keyboard, it’s a tale of how he taught his daughters to communicate silently with each other using base2, which came in handy when they were taking tests in school or when their mom thought they were asleep.  🙂

Have a listen.

Clue Unit #19: The Ad Model in Communities as Business – June 10, 2007

(iTunes) (MP3) (click here to subscribe)

Episode 19, about 30 minutes.

Today’s Topic:  The Ad Model in Communities as

  • Ads on Blogs
  • The 43 Things Model
  • Options in Serving Ads
  • How Ads Really Work
  • Impressions vs. Clicks
  • Exclusive Sponsorship
  • Self-Correcting Nature of Advertising
  • Markus Frind and Plenty of Fish
  • Bad Models
  • Online Community Unconference
  • Fun time bong hit sound effects…

Related Links:
Jake’s blog – no
Chris’s blog – no
43 Things #1 Result for
" on Google
Indie Click

Auction Ads
Blogher Ads

Matt Haughey’s Post on
Ads Really Work

Markus Frind
Plenty of Fish
Josh Ledgard –
on Ads in Community

Community Unconference

Howard Rheingold
John Coate
Cliff Figallo
Gail Ann

of the Amateur
– Andrew Keen