Cluetrain at 10

41tabdackhl_sl110_Am in Palo Alto this morning at the Cluetrain at 10 event in Palo Alto (details on the event here).   Hope to see you here!  Doc, Debs, and a lot of other great folks here.  Will be updating this post throughout the day.

Highlights from Doc’s talk:

"Open source is a lot like the construction industry.  We don’t think about the construction industry as a ‘gift culture’ — it’s just a culture where good ideas get
spread around."  Example: Augustus Taylor and frame construction

Nobody owns it
Everybody can use it.
Anybody can improve it.

We should be able to express global (and logical) preferences outside of anyone’s silo.  Example:   "IF I am calling for tech support THEN I don’t want to hear a commercial message AND I am willing to pay X to reach a human in < 60 seconds"

Joyce Searls: "Why can’t I take my shopping cart from one site to another?"

VRM: A new business model.  Project #1 is for free media (that isn’t advertising). 

RelButton = "I want to pay..what I want, I want to relate on my terms…"

Three states:

1) Intention to relate and pay

2) Intention to sell, but also to relate on your (the buyer’s terms) as well as mine

3) Existing relationship

Can capture intentions, transaction records, preferences, memberships, social graphs, shopping lists, existing agreements, etc.


Summary thoughts:

– The customer is the new platform

– Markets are relationships

– Relating is the new frontier

– The "intention economy" will grow around what we actually want

– Our work has barely started