Deb Schultz On How To Connect, Succeed

Deb Schultz is up at Cluetrain at 10.  Just make a number of great points on how to engage in a highly connected world.  Deb’s thoughts:

  1. Be Real
  2. Participate
  3. Find your communities
  4. Be a catalyst
  5. Engage online
  6. Engage offline
  7. Know when to "let it go"
  8. The love you give is equal to the love you get
  9. Be multi demensional
  10. Be consistent
  11. Focus on people not tech
  12. Listen.  Rinse.  Repeat.

2 Replies to “Deb Schultz On How To Connect, Succeed”

  1. Thanks chris.

    I did not get to put up my credits slide – so will say here that my fav expression #12 – was from the great wordsmith brian oberkirch. I of course, often use the more combative: iterate or die…;)

  2. These are good points. #12 reminds me of a favorite quote of mine:
    “But there’s no substitute for getting smarter faster. And the way you get smarter is to screw around vigorously. Try stuff. See what works. See what fails miserably. Learn. Rinse. Repeat.”

    –Tom Peters, quoted in “Fast Company” Dec. 2001.

    I’ll be reading…


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