SXSW09 Panels: Business / Entrepreneurial

This post is one of a series of recommendations arrived at by
going through the entire list of South by Southwest panels that are up
for consideration for 2009.

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SXSW 2009 Panel Recs: Business / Entrepreneurial

Building a Brand that Matters
Tony Hsieh,
"Tony Hsieh is Chief Executive Officer of Tony will discuss
the four essentials of building a brand that matters -vision, repeat
customers, transparency and culture. Tony will also focus on’s commitment to WOWing its customers and’s
strategy for growing sales year after year."

Donors Vs. The Environment – Striking a Balance
Randal Moss, American Cancer Society
"As non profits go more digital they have to balance their donor’s
interests, their business needs, and care for the environment. Hear how
top non profits are addressing the challenge with technology, and learn
how going appeals to constituents, employees, and the bottom line."

Making a Living Being Yourself
Heather Gold, subvert
"Comedian and professional thought-provoker Heather Gold brings together
Dana Robinson (NBC) and 3 well-known creators/web personalities to
discuss the process and pitfalls of your play becoming your work."

Convincing With Pictures: First We Throw Away All The Computers…
Dan Roam, Digital Roam Inc
"PowerPoint doesn’t necessarily make us stupid; it just makes us
visually lazy. Dan Roam, the best-selling author of ‘The Back of the
Napkin: Solving Problems and Selling Ideas with Pictures’ returns to
SXSW with a whole new set of tools and rules for using simple pictures
to discover ideas and convince anybody of almost anything. Even