SXSW09 Panels: Marketing

This post is one of a series of recommendations arrived at by
going through the entire list of South by Southwest panels that are up
for consideration for 2009.

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SXSW 2009 Panel Recs: Marketing

Fire Your PR Firm: Brand it Yourself
Francine Hardaway, Stealthmode Partners
"Social Media Club interim board members will give advice and
anecdotes about how PR and branding have changed because of social
media and how, as an entrepreneur, you sre empowered. You can now
market your own product or company better than any PR firm. And you
should. This is for technical people, to teach them the DIY of social
media as a branding tool. You would be surprised how many engineers
don’t know this."

Try Making Yourself More Interesting
Brian Oberkirch, Small Good Thing
"There are no cheat codes for community. No Charles Atlas shortcuts to
make your pet project the one to rule them all. Want people to think
you’re awesome? Be awesome. This panel promises a bullshit-free look at
how you might tune out the jibber jabber, tune in to those who matter,
put your head down and make your online service a little bit more epic
each day. We’ll dissect Bike Hugger, Photojojo, Metafilter, and other
examples of Web charm for what *you* can do. Today, and tomorrow. And
the day after. Which is how you will become what you want to be."

Making Whuffie: Raising Social Capital in Online Communities
Tara Hunt, Citizen Agency
"This talk gets to the heart of how people interact and exchange
information in online communities: through social capital, or as Cory
Doctorow calls it, Whuffie. The key to growing customers in online
communities is through growing your social capital. You will learn the
5 lessons of raising Whuffie through online communities in this

What Teens & Tweens Want In A Web Site/Application
Anastasia Goodstein, Ypulse
"If you’re designing or programming a website or application for teens
or just want to be relevant to the next generation, this teen panel
will give you a glimpse into how teens are using the Net and cell
phones. Find out what teens want, and more importantly what they don’t."

Micro-Interactions in a 2.0 World
David Armano, Critical Mass
We live in a world where the little things really do matter. Each
encounter — no matter how brief — is a micro interaction which makes
a deposit or withdrawal from our rational and emotional subconscious.
The sum of these interactions and encounters adds up to how we feel
about a particular product, brand or service. Little things. Feelings.
They influence our everyday behaviors more than we realize."

Everything You Know About Social Media is Wrong
David Parmet, PerkettPR
"Everyone knows that social media has created a revolution in marketing.
But aren’t most marketers missing the point about what social media can
or cannot do for them? This panel will expose the horrible lies and
deceptions surrounding social media marketing. You will know what
social media is and isn’t."