EcSell Summit Recap: Maslow’s Hierarchy and Sales

Catlett received his doctorate in Economics from Iowa State University,
and has twice received the Don C. Roush Award for Excellence in
Teaching. He is also a recipient of the prestigious Burlington
Foundation Faculty Achievement Award for Outstanding University
Teaching. In 1994 he was one of two Western Regional recipients of the
National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges
"Excellence in College and University Teaching in the Food and
Agricultural Sciences Award."

recently received the College of Agriculture and Home Economics Advisor
of the Year as well as Teacher of the Year at New Mexico State

is a consultant to the U.S. Departments of Agriculture, the Interior,
Defense and Labor. He has also been a consultant to many Fortune 500

A stellar keynote presentation at the EcSell Institute Summit by Dr. Catlett, which was anchored by a discussion of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. At it's basis, Maslow's hierarchy is:





Physiological Needs

The basic needs (physiological) are at the base of the pyramid, and the highest level (self-actualization) is the pinnacle.

Catlett made a number of key points, and the recurring theme was "don't sell products and services…sell people their dreams."
In other words, just connecting with the "basic" needs doesn't cut it.
One needs to be connecting at the top of the pyramid, not at the

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