Introducing Scanaroo

Picture 15 We just launched a new product.  It’s called Scanaroo.

Here’s the link to the
site: , and you can get it in the App Store here.

In a nutshell, it’s kind
of like an iPod for all your loyalty, insurance, membership cards, and
the like. Take a picture of your cards with the iPhone camera and you
can carry them all around, and have them available always in your phone.
Saves time, $, etc.

(There’s a link to a data sheet and preso on
the site, but it’s pretty self-explanatory.)

Scanaroo was very inspired by the work that has come out of Doc Searls’ ProjectVRM initiative out of Berkman.  Scanaroo is an early step down the road to move out from “concept” and actually start to
fulfill some of the potential around VRM. Tools that enable customers to
take control of their own information, and let demand drive supply for a
change are a Good Thing.

If you want to know more about Scanaroo, here are the links:

Would love your thoughts…please comment below!

3 Replies to “Introducing Scanaroo”

  1. Chris, I am not fully aware of the practices in your geography, so had a basic doubt. Sorry if it sounds lame, but has been troubling me. 🙁

    When the cards are scanned & stored for displaying them in the stores, would the stores accept the scanned images? Why should the store/business believe the scanned images? How do they authenticate? There is no benefit to the customer by counterfeiting Loyalty cards (except during redemption may be? I am guessing again here!), but how about Library cards, membership cards, etc.?

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