It’s most definitely go time: I’ve joined GoDaddy

It’s official: I’ve joined GoDaddy. I am incredibly stoked.

(Ob disclosure: while I’m now an employee of GoDaddy, these are my personal opinions.)

This is a company that has gone through an incredible maturation process in the past few years, and where the company is now is miles ahead of where it was even 24 months ago, both in brand and in product. The T&A Super Bowl ads are long gone, the products are getting solid reviews, and a lot of attention is being paid to customers: from small businesses to web designers and developers (including WordPress, Drupal and Joomla!) to mobile and local.

In particular, I’ll be working with our customers who are web professionals, ensuring that we’re engaging with communities of designers and developers and delivering the content, community and product that help this very important constituency kick ass.

Tomorrow is my first “official” day.

Let’s go!


New job == new swag sweatshirt. Bonus.

8 Replies to “It’s most definitely go time: I’ve joined GoDaddy”

  1. It is really awesome to have you join us Chris. Welcome to the (full-time) team! 🙂

  2. Wow! Congrats Chris. Exciting for you, but also great news for Go Daddy, I hope they really appreciate what you bring to their company!

  3. I’ve been recommending GoDaddy to clients for the past 8 months or so, and often get a puzzled look in return. What? GoDaddy? I tell them GoDaddy kicks ass.

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