Top 10 Mobile Internet Trends (Feb 2011) from Mary Meeker

Mary Meeker and Matt Murphy share their trendspotting for mobile for 2011. Required viewing.

Key trends to watch, according to Meeker and Murphy:

  • Ubiquitous Computing – Real-time connectivity / 24×7 / in palm of hand
  • More Affordable – Device and data plan pricing falling
  • Faster – Networks and devices improving (owing to Moore’s Law)
  • Personal – Location / preferences / behavior
  • Fun to use – Social / casual / reward-driven marketing
  • Access nearly everything anywhere – “Stuff” in cloud
  • Explosion of apps and monetization – More and making more money
  • Measurable real-world activation – Driving foot traffic to physical stores
  • Reward / influence behavior in real-time – for exactly the right people

And right behind those…

  • HTML5 vs. downloadable apps
  • NFC (Near Field Communication) for payment / offers / loyalty
  • Consumer led mobile health for monitoring / diagnosis / wellness
  • Rapid enterprise adoption of tablets for productivity
  • Tipping Point – > 50% population in developed markets will have Smartphone
  • “SoLoMo” – Social / local / mobile converging
  • “Gamification” – Ultimate way to engage a new generation of audiences
  • Empowerment – impact of empowering billions of people around the world with real-time connected devices has just begun

Check out the whole deck.

3 Replies to “Top 10 Mobile Internet Trends (Feb 2011) from Mary Meeker”

  1. Nice information. I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago about social shopping ( that relates to your “driving foot traffic to physical stores” bullet point. The convergence of Social/Local/Mobile, as you say, is an important factor in the ability to do so. My thoughts were spurred by a great article by IDC’s Michael Fauscette, which I linked to.

    I like this presentation because of the way it pulls together a wide range of technology/social trends today into a well-synthesized analysis. They’re right – it’s going to be a fascinating decade.

  2. Good stuff in this article. Things are a changin’; especially with the advances of technolgy in smart phones, text marketing, and mobile ads.

    I am looking forward to the HTML5 as well.

    Should ne interesting…

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