Jeremiah Owyang at Cluetrain @ 10

Jeremiah is up at Cluetrain @ 10

POST methodology

  • People – Assess your customers’ ‘Social Technographics’ profile
  • Objectives – Decide what you want to accomplish
  • Strategy – Plan for how relationships with customer will change
  • Technology – Decide which social technologies to use

Full background on POST here.

NOTE:  "It’s POST, not ‘TSOP’ … it doesn’t start with technology"

How to deal with detractors?

Best practice … have a crisis strategy in place.  More on how to deal with detractors here.

Five types of detractors:

  • Legitimate complainer
  • Competitor
  • Engaged critic
  • Flamer
  • Troublemaker

Adoption models

  • "The Tower" – Purely centralized adoption of social media tools
  • "The Tire" – Uncoordinated adoption at the edge of the organization
  • "Hub & Spoke" – Central resource, but people can be flexible at the edge

Jeremiah’s Recommendations

  • Act like a host at a part, rather than a cop
  • Power is in the hands of the community
  • Put the needs of the members first, followed by marketing objectives