Facebook Beacon Privacy Improvements: A 90 Second Overview

A 90 second video overview of the improvements to privacy controls in Facebook Beacon.


RSS readers:  Click here to view the Facebook Beacon video.

More on Facebook Beacon:
NYTimes: Coke is Holding Off on Sipping Facebook’s Beacon
Dan Farber: The Canary in the Social Networking Coalmine
DVICE: Facebook’s Beacon Now A Dull Bulb
Stealthmode: Facebook Needs A Mother
Valleywag: Facebook Founder Redefines "Opt-in"

8 Replies to “Facebook Beacon Privacy Improvements: A 90 Second Overview”

  1. Bwahahahahahahahahaaaaa!

    (Wait… you actually eat breakfast at a table? that doesn’t have a computer on it? I don’t understand… is this story fictional? how exactly does one do that?)

  2. heh. great question, andrea. answer is “i don’t know.” it started there (yes, placed on the wrong side), and for whatever reason i felt compelled to put it back in the same place. 🙂

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