Don’t take the defaults, never take the defaults

“It’s so power­fully obvious to me, it might as well be written in ten-foot letters of flame: the plat­forms of the last decade are done.

I said it in April 2022, and I believe it even more today: their only conclu­sion can be abandonment; an overdue MySpace-ification.

This is … tremendously exciting! Some of you reading this were users and/or devel­opers of the internet in the period from 2002 to perhaps 2012. For those of you who were not, I want to tell you that it was exciting and energizing, not because every­thing was great, but simply because anything was possible.

The concrete hadn’t set.

Now, after a decade of stuckness, the pave­ment is cracking — crumbling — and I want to insist to those of you who lived through that time, and those of you who didn’t: we all have a new opportunity.

In this newsletter, I want mainly to offer an exhortation…” 

via Robin Sloan